How Does CBD Oil Work In Humans And Dogs

The benefits of CBD aren’t just limited to humans. It has also shown impressive results in pets. But a lot of pet owners are curious to know whether CBD causes the same effect in pets and humans or not. Is there any special CBD oil made specifically for dogs? Let us check about it in detail.

About Endocannabinoid System Of A Pet

There are two cannabinoid receptors like CB1 and CB2 in the ECS system in the body. These receptors perform two key functions in the body.

  • It regulates the behavioural impact of cannabis.
  • It regulates the effect of the natural cannabinoids of the body called 2-AG, and anandamide.

CBD binds to these receptors and governs the natural ECS system of the pet. In this way, it works to improve the overall well-being of a pet.

The ECS is responsible to perform the below functions in pets and humans:

  • Balance and coordination
  • Digestive system function
  • Appetite
  • Mood regulation
  • Memory, and
  • Muscle movement

JustCBD is the best place to find premium quality dog CBD gummies. The company is the future of CBD. It sells medically certified and industry-quality CBD products in varying forms and prices.

Important factors to consider determining the effects of CBD in pets

CBD Concentration

CBD products have varying s concentrations of extracts. It is divided into the following categories.

  • Full-spectrum: CBD products of this type have some percentage of THC in them. Due to this reason, it can prove to be toxic for the pet’s health.
  • Broad-spectrum: It is made using the same cannabis extracts but it is devoid of THC. Due to no amount of THC, it is considered to be beneficial for pets.

Variety of Flavors

CBD oil-infused products are designed in a way to interests your pets. They come in several tempting meaty flavors to suit the taste buds of your pet. Some of these include meat, bacon, etc.

Role of THC Compound:

THC is a compound that can lead to psychoactive action in the body. It can have an intoxicating effect on the body. Pets are more likely to respond to these effects and may cause damage to their health.

The amount of THC needed in the dosage may differ from one product to another. The use of human-grade CBD oil for the treatment of dogs can be dangerous. The use of ascribed oil for pets proves to be beneficial for dogs.

Amount of Dosage

Also, consider the amount of CBD for pets as well as humans. Compared to the human body, a pet may need a small amount of CBD to treat its health condition. For them, two to three drops of CBD oil are adequate, which might be very little for the human body.


Being a pet owner, you would want to give the best treatment to your pet. However, before you give it to your pet, you need to consider the following factors. Look at the product label, to learn about the safety of ingredients, amount of CBD, etc. to form a decision.